Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 7, 3/17: Fun at the Market

Still more work to be done at the Rousseau house, but thats not such a bad thing. I initially had 'known' rubble was the worst project, which was then downgraded to 'thought,' and by now is just 'meh.' You get addicted to it. I want to see that rubble down, and Rousseau back on his foundation in a tent or building a wall, and it is hard to let go of that until every last sledge has broken, and every last wheelbarrow debilitated.

Some of you may be wondering what the point of the rubble projects are. The act of consuming so much energy to demolish and then relocated tremendous amounts of concrete piles to other piles 40 feet away can seem pointless. Sisyphisian even. (Without the hill). In a nutshell, if you clear a plot or a foundation you can then place the owner back on his or her own property in a temporary shelter (another free-product HODR works on, and then proceed to slowly build back up a permanent home. This removes families from the tent camps- which run the risk of becoming permanent chaotic neighborhoods.

I learned a few more words from Eddie today and memorized the rest of the names of the visitors. After a hard day of work myself and a fellow vegan, Maggie, went to the Market with Elanor to get a few items. It was particularly valuable that Elanor had made a friend when working at the hospital- Reynaldo- who helped us barter on our fruits, snacks, and even a portable radio for me. (The first stolen from a site, but not loud enough anyways!) I'm excited to try out my 'General Star' radio today (a division of G.E I believe), and get a listen to talk (94.9) and music (94.5). The real prize of the Marget though was the soursop (span: Guabanya?). Maggie and I spent the next hour making all sorts of yummy juices, and boy was she pumped!

Joe's followed where there was a tentative St. Patty's day party. Instead of the usual beer, Presidente, they were serving Tsing Tao (60 Gourdes).

Back to Rousseau's again today, and perhaps we will get a few more mangoes today!


Unknown said...

I can't believe you've only been there a week but it seems like you've done so much! Nice job, pal. Hang in there and keep the stories/pictures coming.

Unknown said...

Hi Wanders!

Your description of the families and tent camps.. "which run the risk of becoming permanent chaotic neighborhoods" made me think of another significant public health issue for these kinds of living situations- poor sanitation.

Is there any sanitation in the areas you are working at? (asking the question realizing that there may not have been good sanitation prior to the earthquake).

Is this at all a part of HODRs efforts?

- your evil twin